Turn Clutter into Cash
Turn Clutter into Cash
As spring is on the way, it’s a good idea to clean out closets and storage areas to clear clutter that has accumulated over time.

Here are a few ways to turn clutter into cash.
- Have a Garage Sale – This is a great motivator for ridding your home of excess items. To keep on task, include all family members.Advertising is the key to a successful garage sale; make sure to advertise with large signs that are visible from the street, and post a small ad on social media.
- Recycle Your Leftovers – If you have unused electronics around your home, there are local businesses that will purchase these items for either in-store credit or some additional cash.
- Second Hand Shops- Consigning clothing for every family member is a profitable way to sell your gently used apparel. Stores will pay more for name brands and clothes that match the season. Costume jewellery and other items like sunglasses, shoes and hair clips are also welcome at most stores; so don’t leave out accessories when cleaning your closets and bathroom
- Internet Sales – Selling furniture, expensive merchandise and garage tools with an online site like EBay or Gumtree is the most profitable way to earn money. Research what the item has previously sold for in your area and price it to match.
- Donate to Local Charities – If you find that selling items is not for you, and you want to eliminate clutter in a hurry, consider donation. Local shelters, churches, Goodwill stores and food banks will welcome your items and may also pick up at your door.
The process of downsizing a room and reducing the clutter can be a tedious one, so I encourage you to take one room at a time and give yourself the opportunity to enjoy the journey. Once your rooms have been decluttered, you can sit back and be proud of what you have successfully accomplished.
If achieving this alone seems too daunting contact Jo on 0438 291 568.