Your own style

Your own style

At all sorted out our expertise includes using your own furniture and knick knacks to the greatest advantage, whether you are selling your home or just wanting  a new look. I wandered around the house and took some photos to illustrate what can be achieved.

Blow up some old black and white family photos to make a stylish decoration

Take the glassware out of the cupboard

These books were handed down from my husband’s grandfather and combined with the ribbon preserve these treasures

Paint tins are ideal containers for these orchids

Inspiration for ideas such as these can come in many forms. Examples from my own home form unique moments in the life of both my family and myself by simply adding a piece of ribbon or  by giving them a quick clean. These pieces a new lease on life, which mean they are out on display being enjoyed rather than living dusty lives as clutter on a top shelf in a cupboard.

We will help you achieve this look in your own home whether you want a mini makeover or you are planning to sell your home. Our expertise allows you to use your own objects and memorabilia to style your home

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